Coworkshop is a leading provider of DLP – Data Loss Prevention solutions in Asia Pacific region. Coworkshop’s DLP solutions (i.e. Curtain e-locker) enable organizations to prevent information from unauthorised retrieval, use and transmission.


Curtain e-locker

Curtain e-locker is a data loss prevention system that prevents sensitive information from leaking out of the company. It allows users to access confidential files by using corresponding software, but not to print, save as, or send files to external sources if they are not authorised to do so.


Learn the new dimension of Data Loss Prevention

User friendly interface

Support over 500 applications & keep on growing

Immense protection with ease

Control Saving / Printing /  SendingImageOnline / Offline ProtectionImageFile / Print log
ImageControl Print-Screen / Copy-n-PasteImageSecure generation of PDF fileImageWatermark for printout
ImageOn-screen watermarkImageSecure internal file sharingImageSnapshot for printout
ImageIntegration with Active DirectoryImageHousekeeping of downloaded filesImageApproval for sending
ImagePassword managementImageAdmin delegationImageCopy-out with declaration
ImageSupports over 500 ApplicationsImageSelf protection for the softwareImageLocal encrypted drive
Prohibits confidential data from
being taken away or copied to
other/external sources
Stop confidential data from
being leaked unintentionally
Differentiates your
products/services from
Mitigates the risk of legal
Complies with regulationsChange “Uncertainly” to
“Company Practice”
Helps expand your business
with invincible security

Curtain Frontier 

A Digital Rights Management (DRM) tool that provides a comprehensive solution for controling and protecting your digital files shared with external parties

Control file permission shared externally

Centralised User Management

Trace External User Log


ImageControl Print / Copy / Edit / Print / Screen / Offline UseImageEnable watermark for printouts
ImageControls File Validity and Viewing LimitsImageControl external users’ policy by username login
Integrates with Curtain e-locker
to achieve total data security
Flexible policy control to assign
specific permission to individual users
Ease of use with an
intuitive interface
Scalability solutions that
suitable for organisations of all sizes
Easily manage external users
and access rights through a
centralized system
Expert support, our dedicated
support team is always
available to help

Curtain MonGuard

Curtain MonGuard allows administrators to deploy watermark on the computer screen. Since the screen watermark can show user information (e.g. computer name, username and IP address). It effectively gets user’s attention before they capture screen and share the information with other people.

Display watermark with user information on screen

Full screen OR application screen-watermark

Support over 500 applications & keep on growing

Get user's attention before they capture and share with others

Full screen watermark

Application screen-watermark

ImageOn-screen watermarkImageCentral adminitration
ImageFull screen watermarkImageIntegration with Active Directory
ImageApplication screen-watermarkImageUninstall password for client
ImageSupports over 500 applicationsImagePassword management
ImageSelf-defined content of watermarkImageAdmin delegation
ImageScreen-watermark by conditionImageSelf protection for the software

Curtain LogTrace

Curtain LogTrace is a File Activity Monitoring tool that effectively monitors and records how users are accessing and using the company’s data resources.

Log user activities on their PCs

Centralise logs for internal audit purposes

Trigger notifications for abnormal user behaviors

Configure log events for different user groups

ImageFile log (create & delete file)ImageSupport MySQL & MS SQLImageUninstall password for client
ImageFile log (copy & move file)ImageTrack the insertion and ejection of USB devicesImagePassword management
ImageFile log (print & rename file)ImageCentral administrationImageAdmin delegation
ImageApp log (save, open & close file)ImageIntegration with Active DirectoryImageSelf protection for the software
Customisable audit log settingsCost effective compared to other
SIEM systems
Provides relevant and targeted
information for different user
Ensures compliance with
internal audit requirement and
data security guidelines