Welcome to IME SOLIDWORKS Malaysia Blog

It’s a place where Innovation meets Engineering. Join other Dreamers, Innovators, and Do-ers in sharing latest CAD insights as well as discuss about life-changing designs and inventions. IME Technology Sdn Bhd is the leading Authorised SolidWorks Reseller in Malaysia. We offer the best range of consultancy services, technical support, training and certification to the Malaysian design, engineering and manufacturing industries, universities, polytechnics and other institutions.

Follow us for the latest updates on SOLIDWORKS and attend our Webinars and Free Training to polish your 3D CAD Design skills.


What do you need to know about SOLIDWORKS HVAC simulation?

What do you need to know about SOLIDWORKS HVAC simulation?

Have you been wondering, "What do I need to know about SOLIDWORKS HVAC simulation?" Worry not! We will explain briefly in this blog.HVAC simulation allow you to perform Airflow Optimization – Manage the airflow within a large-scale environment ensures that the optimum...

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Idea of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Module

Idea of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Module

Hellooooooooooooo there! We been working very hard to share more information to most of the users and viewer, to expose their knowledge on the other SOLIDWORKS module. Allowing them to know, SOLIDWORKS not only for CAD design, but for other application as well. Today,...

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IME at Shell Eco-marathon | Part 2

IME at Shell Eco-marathon | Part 2

We are continuing the coverage starting from the race day! Today we are expecting teams to display their fiercest spirits as we have already heard many teams cheering yesterday when they passed inspection! Let us see where the day brings us and watch these cars...

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IME at Shell Eco-Marathon

IME at Shell Eco-Marathon

On the 29th April – 2nd May 2019, Shell has organized one of the most exciting event that involves high school students and university students from all over the world at our very own racetrack – Sepang International Circuit and we (IME Technology Sdn Bhd &...

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SOLIDWORKS Tips: Better Understanding of Assembly | Part 2

SOLIDWORKS Tips: Better Understanding of Assembly | Part 2

Now let's continue with part 2  Once you use the edit component, basically you can reuse the entire feature in SOLIDWORKS part. It depend on user design intention, if you heavily dependent on the assembly position and structure design, then this might work to solve...

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SOLIDWORKS Tips: Better Understanding of Assembly | Part 1

SOLIDWORKS Tips: Better Understanding of Assembly | Part 1

To fully utilize the assembly features, the user must familiar with the features that are available in assembly. If users seldom use this assembly for their projects, in result they may face a problem when it comes to assembly. Apart of that, it is very important to...

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SOLIDWORKS Electrical: Part 2 SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D

SOLIDWORKS Electrical: Part 2 SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D

Previously, we discussed about electrical schematics module or known as electrical 2D. Mostly the module is for electrical engineer to design their electrical system in schematics diagram.When come to the whole production line, it is very important for the technician...

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SOLIDWORKS Electrical: Part 1 SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2D

SOLIDWORKS Electrical: Part 1 SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2D

We had seen SOLIDWORKS PCB earlier this year, the function and performance that tailored to do R&D design for the electronics components and system for devices. Before the PCB module, have you heard of SOLIDWORKS Electrical? SOLIDWORKS Electrical is a dedicated...

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SOLIDWORKS CAM: The Basic CAM tool you need

SOLIDWORKS CAM: The Basic CAM tool you need

Hey there, have you heard of SOLIDWORKS CAM?  Yes, its SOLIDWORKS CAM, not SOLIDWORKS with Mastercam. It is an individual add-in from SOLIDWORKS, developed by CAMWorks.SOLIDWORKS is the new release of add on for all SOLIDWORKS version, including standard, professional...

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